

Interiorismo is an exhibition project that reflects on the new digital culture and some of its main issues. Focusing on aspects such as obsolescence, digital waste, and temporality, the exhibition hall, following the immersive installation concept of theorist Mieke Bal, acquires new significance to adapt to the new role of the viewer. A habitable space is created where the viewer can observe and interact with the works without any distance or barrier, fully immersing themselves in Isla’s works.


Through three different series, Raices y cables, Un mar de dudas, and Le Reflet, Isla aims to highlight that we live in a digital culture that promotes capitalism, planned obsolescence, and technological waste as formulas for updating and progress. As a result of modern society, obsolescence arises, and with it, the economy of obsolescence where failure is deliberately generated to foster the capitalist concept of novelty, actuality, and the renewal of digital systems. Through obsolescence, artists like Isla aim to articulate a critique against the pace of digital production. Thus, one of the biggest problems of digital culture, technological waste, emerges. And it is through digital waste that Jorge Isla uses precariousness as a production formula. By using screens and mobile phone cases, Isla finds an opportunity to reflect on the digital system and bring the viewer closer to a reality that goes unnoticed.


Curator: Rodrigo Carreño.