Telephone cards with replicas of artists, fauna, castles, naval museums, cathedrals, etc. They were attractive series due to their aesthetics for collectors in general. This series, from the Santamarca Collection, is defined by a series of six numbered cards that reproduced paintings by Francisco de Goya issued throughout 2007 with a starting price of between € 6 and € 12..
Cobro Revertido is defined by a set of hard plastic phone cards with a disposable chip recovered from collection portals, traces and secondhand web pages that replicate different paintings of the painter where, through their collection, reinterpretation, resignification and manipulation, they propose an approach to the The painter’s work and its reproduction, banal and ornamental, in different media and supports today..
Cobro Revertido
Phone cards framed in gold leaf with protective glass.
2021. .